We help you createbalance and gain new energy in your life!

Autism Parents Support & Resources is a Facebook group by Insight Terapi dedicated to parents and guardians seeking guidance and support for children diagnosed with ASD. Joining the group offers a sense of community and allows members to gain insights from each other’s shared experiences.

Autism Parent Support & Resorces

Autism Parent Support & Resources is a Facebook group designed to provide parents of children with ASD a place to access valuable knowledge, advice, and support. It connects you with both Insight Terapi’s professional therapists and coaches, as well as other parents who understand your experiences. 

The journey can be overwhelming—often, there is no clear path of support in place for parents, leaving you to navigate everything from assessments to finding the right therapist or Coache on your own. At Insight Terapi, we aim to help by offering services like CBT therapy, counseling, lectures, and Transformational coaching.

School presents some of the most significant challenges.

  • Difficult to adapt

    A significant challenge for many families with children on the autism spectrum is navigating the school environment. The structure and design of traditional schools often create barriers for children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), making it hard for them to adjust and effectively process information.

  • Easily loses concentration

    Many of these children have difficulty with sounds and quickly lose focus, making today's school environment, where many people gather, particularly challenging. For some, holidays offer a much-needed respite, but for others, the return to school after a break can be tough due to the disruption of their routines.

  • The grading system.

    The grading system and assessments create challenges for children with ASD and many others. While we expect all students to meet the same standards, this approach often leaves many of these children behind from the start.

  • Difficult to adapt!

    A significant challenge for many families with children on the autism spectrum is navigating the school environment. The structure and design of traditional schools often create barriers for children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), making it hard for them to adjust and effectively process information.

  • Easily loses concentration!

    Many of these children have difficulty with sounds and quickly lose focus, making today's school environment, where many people gather, particularly challenging. For some, holidays offer a much-needed respite, but for others, the return to school after a break can be tough due to the disruption of their routines.

  • The grading system!

    The grading system and assessments create challenges for children with ASD and many others. While we expect all students to meet the same standards, this approach often leaves many of these children behind from the start.

ATT® Online Therapy

Manage anxiety, stress, depression, and other challenges quickly and effectively.

101 Online Coaching

Reaching your full mental potential in life should be a given, not a mystery.

101 Coaching ATT®

Att nå din fulla mentala potential i livet borde vara en självklarhet, inte ett mysterium.

Autism Parents Support

Insight Terapi's Facebook group for parents and relatives of children with ASD, feel less alone.

Tips for Parents of Children with ASD

Offers practical guidance and support for parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NPF), including Asperger’s, ADHD, autism, and more.

The focus is on strategies to help parents navigate everyday challenges, enhance communication, and build stronger parent-child relationships.

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Write to us at Insight Terapi

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Write to us at

join our Facebook group Autism Parents Support and recourses don't be alone!